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No.1 Dongwei Road ، Fusha Industrial Park ، Fusha Towm ، مدينة Zhongshan ، مقاطعة Guangdong ، الصين



© 2020 Zhongshan Donlim Weili Electrical Appliances Co., Ltd. 

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Zhongshan Donlim Weili Electrical Appliances Co., Ltd. 

متخصصون في إنتاج أفران الميكروويف والأفران ومنتجات التبريد والغسالات والمجففات والأجهزة المنزلية الأخرى.


D20MXP03 General Microwave Oven

1. Fashionable and Wavy pattern and irregular circular window

2. Exquisite product manufacturing process and detail treatment

3. The 600W power consumption design does not affect the cooking effect, at the same time, it can realize low-carbon and energy saving

4. The small fuselage and the large amount of containers will greatly reduce the single transportation cost which can not create practical value for customers and consumers, and at the same time, it does not reduce the actual use capacity of the product.

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ADD: No.1 Dongwei Road ، Fusha Industrial Park ، Fusha Towm ، مدينة Zhongshan ، مقاطعة Guangdong ، الصين


Tel: 86-760-22507107


E-mail: oversea@weili.com.cn


Web: www.weiliglobal.com

Zhongshan Donlim Weili Electrical Appliances Co.Ltd. 

ADD: No.1 Dongwei Road ، Fusha Industrial Park ، Fusha Towm ، مدينة Zhongshan ، مقاطعة Guangdong ، الصين


Tel: 86-760-22507107


E-mail: oversea@weili.com.cn


Web: www.weiliglobal.com

Zhongshan Donlim Weili Electrical Appliances Co.Ltd.